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One Thing Seriously Impacting the Workflow of Your Forensic Unit 

Are you tired of drowning in paperwork, struggling to keep up with evidence, and feeling like your Forensic Unit could use a boost in productivity? Because same!

Think about the constant repetition we put ourselves through with evidence descriptions alone… writing or typing the same thing over and over again in our case notes, on the evidence packaging, on the evidence receipt, in our evidence tracking software, and in our reports. It’s no surprise that errors creep in with the monotony of repeating the same details five times for each piece of evidence. 

To make matters worse, our existing software fails to capture vital stats crucial for Forensic Unit operations, such as equipment usage, processing techniques and report turnaround times. We found ourselves resorting to makeshift Excel spreadsheets to customize the data tracking required for our work. 

If you’re in the same boat, it might be time to take a closer look at the one thing that could revolutionize your workflow – we’re talking about your Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).

Let’s explore why having a robust LIMS matters for organization, productivity, and efficiency in Forensic Units, and why upgrading yours could be the game-changer your team needs.


What’s a LIMS and Why Does It Matter?

Before we dive into all the details, let’s start with the basics. A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is software designed to help you track, standardize, organize and manage all the data, processes and tasks in a lab. Imagine a world where your Forensic Unit runs like a well-oiled machine – that’s the magic of a good LIMS.

While law enforcement agencies often use Evidence Management software, Case Management software, Dispatch Management software, and/or Incident Mapping software, these types of software typically aren’t tailored for the functions of a Forensic Unit.

Forensic Units need software to help:

  • Streamline evidence barcoding systems
  • Maintain chain of custody
  • Assign cases to technicians
  • Reference the progress of a case or item of evidence
  • Manage requests for Forensic services
  • Disseminate final reports

A LIMS is not just a tool for managing the day-to-day operations of Forensic Units; it’s a catalyst for enhanced communication and collaboration. When leveraged effectively, a LIMS becomes a bridge connecting the Forensic Unit with deputies, detectives, and state attorneys. This newfound collaboration is pivotal in expediting case resolutions, ensuring a more timely and effective approach to solving crimes.

Beyond its immediate impact on case management, the data harnessed by a LIMS plays a crucial role in empowering the agency’s decision-making processes. Forensic Unit supervisors can gain valuable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions about budget allocation, fund utilization, and future purchases. In essence, a well-utilized LIMS not only streamlines operations but also serves as a strategic asset, fostering a culture of collaboration and informed decision-making within the agency ecosystem.


9 Features to Look for When Selecting a LIMS

Choosing the right LIMS for your Forensic Unit is crucial. This is a decision that will affect your operations for years to come, so consider these features to ensure your LIMS is up to the task:

    1. Customizable Forms: Over the years your Forensic Unit processes and procedures will change, so your LIMS needs to be as flexible as you! Look for forms that you can fully customize on your own and change the data input fields to fit your needs.
    2. Quality Assurance Trackers: The policies and procedures of your Forensic Unit are likely to change every year, so this information is important for your technicians to access and reference while conducting casework. Some LIMS will even keep track of the version of your policies and procedures casework was performed under as well as chemical lot numbers, expiration dates, and instrument validation (all of which can be very helpful in court)
    3. Performance and Productivity Reports: Your LIMS should do all the heavy lifting when it comes to collecting data! Want to check average turnaround times? Or how long your technical and administrative review processes are taking? Maybe you want to know the number of mistakes that occurred this quarter? Or how many firearms were processed this year? This information should be easily accessible, especially when it comes time for audits and performance evaluations.
    4. Case Assignments: Is someone in your Forensic Unit manually assigning cases to the technicians? That process could be completely automated by your LIMS!
    5. Pre-Built Report Writing Templates: Just imagine how much more efficient your forensic technicians could be if the software system they used to input case information and fill out evidence processing forms could start writing the report before they’re even finished processing the evidence. Those LIMS features exist!
    6. Portal for Collaboration: Turn your LIMS into a portal for deputies, detectives, state attorneys, and other agencies your Forensic Unit serves. Let them submit additional case information, request evidence processing, track case progress, and receive final reports seamlessly.
    7. Cloud-Based Software: Some law enforcement agencies may be apprehensive, but many software companies are moving away from licensures and gravitating toward cloud-based systems. Cloud-based software offers convenience, easier setup and installation, quick updates, and eliminates the need for local servers and the time and costs associated with IT support to maintain on-premise installations. 
    8. Integrations: Seamless integration of your LIMS is the key to a well-connected system. It’s important for your LIMS to be able to integrate with other software programs at your agency (e.g. Evidence Management software, Case Management software, etc.)
    9. Future-Proofing with Add-Ons: Think ahead. Does your Forensic Unit need a system to track orders and supplies, manage expiration dates, or keep track of recipes and MSDS of chemicals? You may want to consider software systems that offer add-ons, such as Consumables Inventory Management System (CIMS), so that your LIMS can evolve with your needs.

    Are You Using Your LIMS to its Fullest Potential?

    Want to know something crazy? Most agencies pay thousands of dollars each year on a LIMS and the Forensic Units only scratch the surface on the software’s capabilities! 

    This could be for a number of reasons. Maybe…

      • Employees don’t receive adequate training when a LIMS is purchased
      • The knowledge and training isn’t passed down to new employees
      • There’s no leadership in charge of overseeing or maintaining the software
      • Employees are resistant to new technology
      • Employees are resistant to change

      So be honest – do you know if you’re using your current LIMS to its fullest potential?

      It’s possible that your current LIMS already has many of the features listed above! It’s worth looking into (you may be pleasantly surprised!)

      Pro Tip: Don’t be intimidated by your LIMS software – embrace it. There may be a learning curve upfront, but once everything is set up your Forensic Unit will be running better than it ever has before – we promise!


      What To Do When You Decide Your Forensic Unit Needs a LIMS Upgrade

      Congratulations! This is a big step forward for your Forensic Unit, but it’s not an easy journey and you may encounter some challenges along the way.

      Here are four of our biggest tips when it comes to choosing a new LIMS:

      1. Find a Trustworthy Company: Seek personal references and honest reviews from other Forensic Units that are already using the software system you’re interested in.

      2. Involve Your Chain of Command: Demonstrations are your secret weapon. Schedule demos, involve your chain of command, and showcase how the software impacts the entire agency, not just the Forensic Unit.

      3. Explore Funding Opportunities: Grants can be your saving grace when funding is unavailable at your agency. Explore grant opportunities at local, state, and federal levels, and don’t hesitate to ask software companies for support in writing your grant proposals.

      4. Start early: From the research stage to the approval stage to the purchase and set up stage – this process is going to take months (if not years). If you know purchasing a new LIMS is a goal for your Forensic Unit, now is the time to get the ball rolling.


      Ready to revolutionize your Forensic Unit? Start by checking out JusticeTrax, a global leader with a proven track record. Book a demo today to discover how their LIMS can transform your lab into a powerhouse of efficiency and organization. Your new LIMS awaits – don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your Forensic Unit’s capabilities!

      Before you get any further... hey! We're erin and Ashley!

      We build training courses and online resources to help forensic professionals become better leaders.

      We like to “fill in the gaps” by creating a training course that we wished we had as newly promoted supervisors to help make the transition in our leadership roles easier.

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