Forensic Supervision

Forensic Supervision

How to Build Confidence Purging Evidence

The dreaded evidence purge! Where every small detail feels like it could be a big piece to a puzzle. What motivates the stress from this

Forensic Supervision

Dealing with Burnout as a Forensic Supervisor

So, you got the burnout. As a forensic supervisor, burnout is a real issue. The job can be extremely demanding, with long hours, and high-stress

Forensic Supervision

Pull Yourself Out of the Supervisor Weeds

upervising is like a Chemistry course where it builds upon itself. What you do today impacts your tomorrow. So what do you do when you’ve hit a roadblock that just seems too big to overcome? Listen, we pulled ourselves out of the supervisor weeds and steered our Forensic Unit in the right direction (and you can too).

Forensic Supervision

5 Ways to Stop Hating Your Team

Is it possible to be a good supervisor to someone you would avoid eating lunch with? Absolutely. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t dread working

Forensic Supervision

How to Manage a Low-Budget Forensic Unit

“It’s not in the budget.” Trigger words! How do you combat this dreaded budget phrase? Continuing on with our Month of Money Problems in the