Career Development

Career Development

The Ultimate Guide to Landing Your Dream Job in Forensics

Are you looking to land your dream forensic job? Welcome to the cool kids club. We understand firsthand the challenges and frustrations of breaking into this industry, but we’re here to help make the process easier.

Career Development

Are You Using NIBIN for Firearm Cases?

Whenever a tool seems out of reach, it feels a lot like being stuck on a tricky part of a puzzle, doesn’t it? Que up,

Career Development

What’s a Boss Book and How Do You Get One?

This month we’re talking about burnout. One of the best ways to avoid it? Organization. We’ve built a template to help you develop your guidebook to bossing up as a forensic supervisor. The key is that it provides a record of your accomplishments and skills while being completely customizable.

Career Development

Getting Promoted as a Female in Forensics

This month it’s all about the ladies – something we know a little something about! We’ve talked about our experiences as female supervisors as a

Career Development

9 Ways to Prepare for a Scientific Conference

We love attending scientific conferences! In a very short amount of time, we’re able to network with colleagues, learn about new and upcoming research, and gain insights into best practices within the forensic field. If you’re attending your first conference this year or you tend to get nervous when attending large events, keep reading for the best ways we like to prepare for a scientific conference.